Success Criteria for PCTO Project

Designed for: Prof. Decarli
Designed by:

  • Tomelini Simone
  • Davide Pizzoli
  • Bragastini Enrico
  • Pesarin loris

Start Date: 20/01/2020
End Date: 19/05/2020
Project Manager: Davide Pizzoli
Project Sponsor: ITIS G. Marconi
Users: Insegnanti e studenti ITIS G.Marconi

The PCTO project will be considered a success if

A fully functional test system is delivered on or before May 19th.

The system shall be delivered in a state that is ready to be used in its intended production environment for its intended purpose. The users shall be given the training they need in order to begin using the system. We will consider both of these goals met if the users who plan to use the system during its test period fill out the attached Acceptance Test User Survey and:

  • No one circles “No” on the first two questions

Concerns raised during the test period are addressed according to the problem resolution plan contained in the Software Project Management Plan

All critical defects found before may 19th will be fixed. A critical defect is one for which there is no convenient workaround. Beyond fixing defects, requested changes will be handled on a sliding scale. Changes taking 10 hours or less will be done if notified of the change 3 weeks before the scheduled end of the project.
Users shall be notified of their rights and responsibilities under this policy prior to the start of acceptance test

Professors and students can easily log into the system.

The login uses the same access credentials as the electronic registry

PCTO administrators only can modify the companies data stored in the database

only the administrators can reach the area that permits them to deleto or modify th informations about a company, all the changes will be transmitted automaticaly to the database.


Simone Tomelini

Davide Pizzoli

Loris Pesarin

Bragastini Enrico